The Rescue – Indianapolis

29 04 2009

Here are a few pictures from The Rescue in Indianapolis.  My cousin Dana came to visit (for Grand Prix weekend) and we took the bus down to Indianapolis from West Lafayette on a Saturday morning, right after the breakfast club drunkenness.

It was an unbelievable experience, except I thought it would last till dawn the next day – we were rescued by a representative from Congressman Andre Carson’s office at around 8:30PM.  We had the choice to leave or ride the bus to Chicago, because they weren’t doing  so well at their rescue.  About 500 people showed up – not bad at all!

I got two AWESOME t-shirts out of it… here’s the link to the site if you want to buy one:


I was hoping we would take a group picture under the sign... but we didn't :(


Beautiful day (for a sun tan)!


Camping out and waiting for the rescue!


Writing letters to government officials...


Indy is so pretty


The draft version of my letter...


Dana and I... chillin on the grass!


The group picture that I MISSED because I went to buy a blanket to lay on from CVS!!! AUGH!